Kan Gua has one YANG line at the center between two YIN lines. We can say that the intention, desire and focus are build strongly inside, so although water moves constantly but it doesn’t mean easily pushed over by surrounding against what has been its principle.
The Water represents the power to move and flow constantly to reactive the life-force, restore balance and can adapt well into any situation. Water has strong persistence that moves constantly; no result in short time— one drop of water can drill a hole in a rock — if you heard about this before. Constant force can achieve same result like a powerful instantaneous force.
When talks about Sector and Direction it is on the NORTH and represents the numbers of 6 on Early Heaven Bagua and 1 on Later Heaven Bagua.
The North in 5 Element system also represents Water ; sign of knowledge, wisdom, wealth and prosperity as well as problem, difficulty, trouble, risk-taker.
Looking at the people perspective, it represents second son, middle son, fisherman, sailor, marketing people, entrepreneur, negotiator
This Kan Trigram associates with kidney, bladder, urinary tract, ear, body-balance, diabetic, reproduction organ ; infertility, sperms ,breast, blood circulation also the anxiety when we talk about Health related problem.
