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I Ching for Today - 17 August 2022

Writer's picture: Sandra ConstantineSandra Constantine

"Change can be scary, but you know what's scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving and progressing. Because everything is perpetually becoming new" ~Mandy Hale & Alan Watts

Today we cast #49 - REVOLUTION, ABOLISHING THE OLD ( Dui Li Ge) - Lake over Fire or Metal over Fire if we talk about element.

The other words can describe revolution will include: alternate, change, innovate, evolve and abolish the old to make a way for a new to come in.

It's quite interesting that after yesterday we casted #38, today the trigram just changed place. And today hexagram will lead us to #50 Cauldron which also means establish the new. The sequence in the 64 hexagrams #49 will be follow by #50.

These 2 hexagrams are the pairing hexagram (meaning: for a hexagram, when we look at it, it will always tell you 2 ways of perspectives , for instance, when you get #49 , look it upside down you will get #50 -- we will talk this sequence and story flow more in this coming Saturday class on Plum Blossom).

Now, let's see the energy of the element: Water flows downward and Fire flames upward, so now these 2 energies overcome each other - unlike yesterday card -that's why a change will be good if we can overcome and respond wisely , don't only react into one things without thinking. Preparation and planning require here so we don't burn ourselves down especially when we settle everything without filtering the information that we receive and become susceptible because of that.

From the element perspective itself: Fire(Li) controls Metal (Dui) which means as long as we are prepared, we actually can handle the situation well and you can get the "value" that you want -- especially if your focus point on the Wealth or Relationship. Something you can control is your Wealth and Wife -- the double, double U.

The lines of the fire on the lower hexagram all are already in correct position which means we need to keep that strong passion, confidence and also step through our fears and step into our purpose. The "man line" and the "heaven line" respond well, the only thing that we need to aware is only the situation that happen around us, as we cannot create a revolution and on the other hand we also cannot stop the revolution when it happens. What we need to have is that ability to adjust, make a little room to grow -- and yes, growing is pain but because of that can become better and achieve what we want.

Remember that this hexagram #49 only reminds us that the main purpose is establish the new and to establish one you need to abolish the old first. The new must be better than the old, so this hexagram is the process, progress and improvement so we can get the #50. And when Revolution occurs, it doesn't just happen, it will have the reason why it's happen.

For summary, we can say that sometimes you need to take into account that we can't have anything we want with our own way, but we can alter/tune/modify so that we still can get what we want to achieve but by different/alternative way.



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