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Show & Tell (Sandra Constantine & Tang Eng Cuang (Co-Founders) The Property Market Evolution in Period 9.

We help you to understand your
& to discover your

Using the Art of Chinese Astrology

About Us

Show & Tell Astrology offers the comprehensive capabilities and deep astrology knowledge necessary to help you unlocking your strength and awakening your capacity to minimise the challenges and to maximise the opportunities in your life. 

A lot of people having talent in their destiny chart, however, they don't live up to the full potential. 
Look at the trees, they will only reach the maximum height if they are given sufficient resources like sunlight and water.

Give us a call today if you are interested in knowing the SUNLIGHT and WATER in your life.  


Meet Our Experts

 Our team of dedicated professionals strives to read people's heart rather than mind, to help bring out each individual student's best.

Sandra Constantine

Co Founder

Sandra Constantine

After 9 years of corporate life and taking a professional pause to focus on her family, she is now living her long-life passion of being a Chinese Metaphysics consultant.


She is proficient in various Chinese Astrology including Ba Zi, I Ching, Face & Palm Reading as well as Name & Date Selection. With her unique and friendly approach, she helps her clients to identify their goals, discover their strength and move towards their goals.

 Tang Eng Cuang

Co Founder

Tang Eng Cuang

Being the top scorer in Chinese Astrology exam, with 10 years of experience in corporate world, he is well-versed in integrating the knowledge of Feng Shui, Qi Men Dun Jia and Ba Zi into daily practical application.

He is able to use simple yet result-oriented Feng Shui methods to help client achieving their goals in career and relationship.


Malaysia Influential Educator 2023

Malaysia Top 20 Young Entrepreneur 2023

Best Intelligent Figure 2023

Our Testimonials Do the Talking

Our Reputation Speaks for Itself

Vui Kit

Tang has never failed in giving valuable guidances in my job and my life. The Feng Shui recommendations done by him enable me to see encouraging and positive outcomes within a short period of time. It was simple and easy to apply, and yet the result was nothing short of amazing. I’m grateful that Feng Shui adjustments done by Tang had improved both my career and life.

Tay Vui Kit
Founder of Speakers' Valley


Tang's Bazi reading has helped me to identify my strengths and how to use them in the most effective ways in achieving my goals and career path. He also shared about my hidden potential and to figure out the area I should further develop with practical suggestion. Should I have let Tang read my Bazi earlier, I would have reached my goal earlier. But it is better late than never.

Leo Tay Kon Chow
Managing Direction,
Tay Chai Huat & Co.

Donnie Lim

I wish I can rewind the time and get to know you earlier, but you say what pass is past, let's embrace the future.

Recently, all your advice has been fulfilled.

Thank you Sandra for all your advices, you open my mind for a new life perception. I will take this lesson as a learning process for my future.

Donny Liem

Professional Makeup Artist


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